Williamson Chiropractic Relief for Neck Pain: Exercise & Cox® Treatment

Neck pain is a common issue among office workers and individuals who spend long hours in front of computers. In today’s world, who doesn’t spend long hours in front of a computer? Whether you are dealing with chronic discomfort or sporadic stiffness, finding effective ways to ease neck pain is paramount. Recent studies have shown that particular exercises, particularly fixed resistance training and progressive resistance training, can considerably improve neck pain conditions. Exercise alongside chiropractic Cox® Technic treatment of the cervical spine can be very relieving! This blog post will explore the effectiveness of these exercises and provide evidence-based insights to help you manage Williamson neck pain more effectively.


Neck pain can be triggered by a variety of factors, including poor posture, prolonged computer use, and muscle strain. Office workers are particularly susceptible to neck pain due to the repetitive type of tasks and the sedentary lifestyle associated with desk jobs. A new study reported that just one hour of computer use by office workers with symptomatic neck pain resulted in signs of neuromuscular deficit of the ulnar nerve, semispinalis muscle and anterior scalene muscle, which may indicate a higher risk of neuromuscular impairment of the upper extremities. (1) Your Williamson chiropractor often recommends exercise as a non-invasive treatment alternative to alleviate pain and improve neck function.


Combining chiropractic Cox® treatment with exercise is an effective method for managing and reducing neck pain. It helps strengthen the neck muscles, improve posture, and increase flexibility and strength. A systematic review assessed the effects of neck exercise to passive or no intervention in adults with chronic neck pain and found that neck exercises significantly enhanced sensory testing measurements and reduced pain levels. (2) Another study explained that chronic neck pain impacts grip strength and psychomotor skills and emphasized the importance of including exercises to improve overall functionality and decrease neck pain symptoms. (3) Two types of exercises that have shown significant benefits for neck pain patients follow:

Fixed Resistance Training – Effective for building strength and stability, fixed resistance training concerns using a constant resistance throughout the exercise movement.

  • Isometric Neck Exercises: These exercises involve holding a position for a specified period to work the neck muscles.
  • Neck Extension and Flexion: This involves moving the head up and down against resistance to strengthen the neck's front and back muscles.
  • Chin Tucks: Sit up straight, tuck your chin in the direction of your chest without moving your shoulders, and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Progressive Resistance Training – Effective for building muscle strength and endurance over time, progressive resistance training involves slowly adding to the resistance or weight used during exercises.

  • Theraband Exercises: Using resistance bands to perform neck movements such as lateral flexion and rotation.
  • Shoulder Shrugs with Weights: With dumbells in each hand, shrug your shoulders up to your ears. Hold for a few seconds and then lower. Gradually add more weight as tolerated.

Exercise is a powerful tool for managing neck pain. By incorporating it alongside gentle, effective chiropractic Cox® Technic treatment, you can significantly lessen neck pain, improve posture, and enhance overall neck function.

CONTACT Apple Country Chiropractic

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr.  James Kirk on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he shares the effectiveness of the gentle protocols of The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management in decreasing neck pain.

For more personalized advice and guidance, book a consultation with your Williamson chiropractor today at Apple Country Chiropractic. Learn more about how you can take control of your neck pain and live a more pain-free life.

Williamson neck pain and exercise 
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"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."